Re-Impact Blades Selection and User Guide
Re-Impact blades are hand-made and custom-designed in Germany, and are built to uniquely suit special and often less common styles of play. The fundamental creative idea behind the designs is to maximize the effectiveness of the two sides of a blade for specific strokes, in order to support and enhance the styles of play that make mainly use of these strokes. To this end, the backhand and forehand sides of the blades are given special properties. Some blades have the same kind of properties on either side; most are built with the properties of the backhand side differing from those of the forehand side.
Delicacy and accuracy are key features of Re-Impact blades, especially for those that have so-called ‘active’ sides (in the original German these blades are called Aktiv-Hölzer). The design of these sides results in focusing the impact of the ball as well as the subsequent reaction of the blade. This sustains and enhances compact strokes. Compact strokes are not just typical for specific styles, e.g. pips-out styles and quick driving styles, but sometimes they are the only type of stroke a player is able to perform, e.g. injured players, players who are bound to a wheelchair, and players with physical limitations. They will also benefit from the blades being energy-efficient. The use of Re-Impact blades will enable these players to partake in the game at a highly competitive level.However this is only one of the unique features that Re-Impact blade offer. Read more in the guide below.
This comprehensive guide, written by Dr. C.H. Glimmerveen, consists of three parts intended to help players to
- Understand the general properties of Re-Impact blades which make them effective for special styles of play,
- Select the type of forehand and backhand sides which suit their specific needs and style best, and subsequently select the Re-Impact blade having these sides, and
- Play technically effectively with the blade of their choice.
Re-Impact blade Selection and User Guide
Is there a site or comparasments towards the latest models & performance indicator of each and every re-impact blades for
2015/2016 ?
The best place to look is here: http://re-impact-blades.com. Otherwise look on OOAK Forum for the blade that you’re interested in.