New Poly table tennis ball review
Thanks to my good friend William Henzel I managed to get hold off one of the new poly balls. These balls were handed out after this years ITTF AGM to those that attended the meetings, so finally some of us mere mortals can check out one of these balls.
Visual inspection:
Well the ball does not look that much different to a normal 3* ball, except for the absence of the logo, which is probably because these are merely samples and not final production balls. Holding the ball up to the light, you can clearly see that there indeed no seam at all, unlike the current balls as pictured below:
Although the sound is not really a big deal, the sound this ball makes is very much like a broken ball, it’s horrible! Since I have not yet broken this ball, I’ll have to wait and see how a broken poly balls sounds.
I checked the measurements of this ball with a vernier at several position of the sphere, and one positive is that the ball is indeed perfectly round, within 0.01mm! Comparing that to the other balls I’ve checked, that’s significantly better, as some of the other varied a little over 0.10mm.
Here are the measurements of 3 balls I tested, all tested on 3 different positions of the sphere:
Poly ball: 40.24, 40.25, 40.24mm
3* ball1: 39.69, 39.72, 39.76mm
3* ball2: 39.56, 39.69, 39.69mm
Looking at the balls side by side, you can tell with the naked eye that it’s bigger. Taking an average of measurement of other 3* balls I had lying around, the new one is about 0.6mm bigger, measuring about 40.25mm.
Assuming that the average size of the current 3* ball is 39.65, and the new one 40.25, then the diameter is only about 1.5% bigger, but if the talk about the cross sectional area, which is the relevant value when calculating drag force, then the area of the 3* ball is 1234.7 mmsq and the area of the new poly ball is 1272.4 mmsq, which is an increase of 3%, which is more significant.
The Bounce test:
Here is my first test, a bounce test to see how the bounce compares to a regular competition ball. The new ball is on the right. What you can see is the initial bounce is not that different, but the plastic ball is slight higher and takes longer to stop bouncing. Video is taken at 120fps, ie. about 1/4 of normal speed.
So at low impact the ball is certainly a little more bouncy… for medium to high impact I’ll have to test it by playing, as a proper test is too much work and not really that valuable anyway.
The real test in play:
Finally I got to try it in real play in a practice session. Well I didn’t like it at all, and I doubt any long pip players or spin based players are going to like it unfortunately.
I didn’t have much trouble adjusting to a regular counter hitting warmup. The ball felt quite a bit more bouncy, but the speed and angle that it came off the bat was pretty similar. The sound is odd… it does indeed sound like a broken ball, but that’s not such big deal. I can’t say the ball felt any heavier… lighter if anything, but mostly just different… you tend to feel it less on you bat.
When I tried to put heavy spin on the ball, it had quite a bit less dip, and my practice partner who normall has trouble keeping those down, had no trouble at all. In other words there was either less spin on the ball, or the ball reacted much less on his bat. When I tried my sidespin loop (hook), which is a shot I greatly enjoy and love to see the curve and kick, I was very disappointed… almost no curve at all, and very little kick! The lack of curve pretty much implies there’s just less spin on the ball.. either I’m generating less or it wears off more quickly…
Blocking with the pips (long pimples OX) against topspin…well the ball bounces higher with less spin reversal… no doubt about it. The extra bounce off the ball made it much harder to keep the ball low and shorter…keeping it low was the biggest problem. Attacking backspin gave me trouble too… there was probably less spin on the ball in the first place, so there was less to reverse, and most of the ball went long. I needed more of a swiping action (which I tend to do against no-spin balls) to keep them on. Similarly with aggressive pushing… either the spin was not there in the first place, or the reversal was not there to bring the ball down. All in all my shots were much less deceptive and effective.
Conclusions (so far):
For my game this is great disappointment, as I rely on heavy spin with my forehand, and controlling the pace and manipulating spin with the BH pips. Both of these are significantly less effective. Sure I might be able to adjust to all this, but it might mean my current ‘style’ is no longer viable at my level, and I might need to adjust my game to be competitive again.
The only style that this ball is likely to benefit is that or short pip hitter… those that hit the balls at the top of the bounce with little spin. The higher bounce is likely to give more opportunities and the lack of spin will likely make it harder to keep the ball low.
The change may not have a great impact on the elite players, who have a good allround game and can make the required adjustments, but the impact on amateur players like most of us here will be greater. I think many of us don’t have a complete allround game which we can adjust with new equipment, but rather have a few big weapons and a few weakness to overcome. If the new ball remove the advantage of our big weapon, the effect will be major, as we may have to acquire a while new set of skills to create another weapon. Of course if the ball change enhances our big weapon we’ll be very happy.
Author: haggisv
Another opinion:
For anyone that may not have seen it yet, here is William Henzel’s video review of the same new balls:
I agree Stave, shambles indeed!
Who in their right mind would set a date to introduce the new ball before they have come up with prototypes that are acceptable to all players. Why increase the size of the ball without the consultation of players or credible arguments for the change?
It seems some robots will take the balls without problems (Newgy are the only ones that have confirmed AFAIK), but the manufacturers should have been involved (or asked for their input) right from the start!
Robots are a big investment for many people… something the ITTF shoudl take into account!
What a shambles out sport is… and the problem is that no one who has the power of authority seems to care or have its best interests at heart. I can’t help thinking that all of the changes are deliberate. Eventually no one will take the sport seriously then it will be eradicated completely from being an Olympic Sport. One less source to have to worry about channeling money into. And what about present day robots ? Are they designed to accept the new ball that is coming?
Thanks Seguso. Yes you’re right, that’s possible!
+1 to james.
it is not clear that short pips hitters will be favoured.
Also, for haggisv: I suspect that your long pips rubber has more spin reversal, not less. It is just that the incoming topspin has less spin. There is less to reverse 🙂
[…] comment about the new ball does not really surprise me, and I got a similar impression in my own poly ball review, but it’s great to hear this from an elite player, and that they feel the same […]
lots of spin favours short pips hitters.
when a guy loops and you block or hit with your pips the lack of friction of your rubber makes the next shot harder for the looper.
when the looper produces balls with less spin the balls the pips return are more predictable and easier to make the next shot for the looper.
same with long pips defenders.
if the loop has less spin the defense will have less spin as well.
in turn this will make the next loop easier/more offensive.
[b]My best compliments, Mr. Adham Sharara[/b]
This ball gonna to be some godsend on the defensive folks.
From the Haggiss’ present description, the ball is less spinny and ligh-weighed as well, so it is easier to return anyway. –;just what all the defenders would desire that much.
I’m glad sincerely for Joo SeHyok and the chopping school’s followers.. None of Chinese will outdo the school at the PolyBalls play. No more of Chinese dominance!!!
Well done, Mr. Adham Sharara, a smart move of yours.
Yours sincerely
I don’t like it!!!! I am A coach & Player,the new ball will have to raise the net Cost for players ,coach’s,manufactoring and for the ball ‘s!!President Sharara is destorying the Sport of Table Tennis .He get 1million dollars but Umpire’s & Player’s don’t get any!!we went from 21 pts& 5 serve to 11 pts & 2 serve.also a ball from 38mm to 40mm, we were beating the Chinese with 21pts & 5 serve’s,(Hungry,Sweden), Then they change to 11pts & 2 serve’s and it took 20yrs too catch up to the Chinese (Germany,Japan,Sweden) but their 30+ old.the Chinese just reload.The Cost to us player’s ,Coach’s, spend so much on table tennis equipment from rubber’s ,ball’s from 33mm to 40mm. This old ball is not harmful to any body except when u put a match to it!!Our money should be put to Player’s Umpire’s, TV coverage, & Coaching not new ball’s, net’s, and rubber’s that cost $75 when they were $45!!the new ball suck, it’s uneven wobble’s, sounds crack, break’s after a good rally,no or very little spin,bounce ‘s higher,so the net has to be raised,also crack’s after rally of hit’s.so it change’s the game that we love . It should be 21pts & 5serves was the best game’s ever!!!I am 55yrs old play since I was 5yrs old and coached for 40 yrs.