Articles about a wide range of table tennis equipment and issues.
Articles about a wide range of table tennis equipment and issues.
OOAK Table Tennis Forum was honoured by Panagiotis GIONIS, who kindly agreed to an interview! With thanks to forum member Pipsy, who organised this interview! Panagiotis GIONIS (born January 7, 1980) is a Greek defensive table tennis player (chopper) and a dentist. He is member of the Greek National […]
Categories: Articles, Forum News Tags:
A comprehensive and detailed video series on the new plastic table tennis balls. This series covers measurements, testing, reviews, player opinions and placebo effect. Although it’s the Joola plastic ball being random sample tested, a lot of the observations about T3 and the results will apply equally to other plastic […]
Avalox has just released some of their new ‘made in Sweden’ blades, the P900 and the Ruiba. Here are some details and pictures, reviews will come later. The Avalox P900 Excellent combination of specially selected 9-ply natural wood that enables high level allround offensive play. These are […]
Categories: Articles, Avalox AVX, Blades Tags: Avalox, AVX, AVX Avallo, bloodwood, carbon, P900, Ruiba
A new long pimple rubber, Dr Neubauer Number 1, and a new blade, MATADOR will be release shortly. Here are the details of these new products: Dr.Neubauer NUMBER 1 – Discover new pleasures of the game! Long pimples with friction Our new long pimple rubber NUMBER 1 will enchant […]
Categories: Articles, Forum News, Shop News Tags:
How to promote your club / competition via Facebook If you’d like some ideas or tips on how to promote your TT club or competition via Facebook, check out the SA State League Page, which is run by one of South Australia’s top players Scott Houston. The page was […]
Categories: Articles Tags:
In my association with OOAK Shop, I glue a LOT of table tennis bats, including those with pimple rubbers. If you’ve ever glued a pimple rubber without sponge to your blade, you’d probably know how easy it comes off in the place where you finger rests on the rubber, which […]
Categories: Articles, Forum News, Gluing Tags:
Tenergy Rubbers Compared A detailed article comparing the main differences between the Butterfly Tenergy rubbers, helping you to make an informed choice of which model suits you best. I often get asked by players what the main differences are between the Tenergy rubbers. Since OOAK Shop is now a […]
Soulspin is a Germany manufacturer that specializes in making customized handles for their unique range of table tennis blades. Read a comprehensive interview with Soulspin by OOAK Forum members. Here is an excerpt from the company: SOULSPIN: In our factory, each product is custom made- something special.Even in the manufacture […]
Categories: Articles, Forum News Tags: blades, custom, Soulspin
Re-Impact Blades Selection and User Guide Re-Impact blades are hand-made and custom-designed in Germany, and are built to uniquely suit special and often less common styles of play. The fundamental creative idea behind the designs is to maximize the effectiveness of the two sides of a blade for specific […]
Customs duties, taxes and fees for different countries Do you buy goods from other countries via online shops, Ebay or others? Are you aware that you may have to pay Customs duties, taxes and fees? It’s good to be aware of when charges may be payable, as it could affect […]
Categories: Articles Tags: